The Value of Service

The Value of Service

It's been awhile since my last blog post. Life and work happened. Now I have more focus and drive to share what goes on in my head with you and hopefully your business will benefit from what you learn.

Today's post is about the value of service. As customers we each have a perspective of how we should be treated by the businesses we patronize. As small business owners, your audience is likely filled with customers who highly value your services. Otherwise, they'd go to a bigger, more commercial business for their needs. Yet, the value they place on your services could very well change over time. This is likely to occur if you falter in quality, time, convenience, and cost at some point during that customer's experience with you.

Quality, time, convenience, and cost are generally how most consumers measure and form their perspective about the value of services they receive.

Many have made the mistake of making mea culpa appeasements - freebies, discounts, kickbacks, you name it. Wrong! You're still running a business, and your product/service still has value - it just doesn't for that customer(s) any longer. In other words, don't sell yourself short because you have one or a few unsatisfied customers. You cannot please everyone, nor should you ever try to do so.

Evaluate the concerns and disappointment from these customers to determine if it's something widespread or if it really comes down to individual perspective. Churn is unavoidable, but to retain customers who matter over the lifetime of your business is most important.

"Great value does come at a cost because of the quality, scalability, and demand for that value."

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